
Serving vulnerable communities affected by conflict and crisis.

Providing humanitarian medical aid to refugees and vulnerable populations affected by conflict and crisis, AdventRelief strives to address their significant medical needs with compassion and respect, promoting dignity, hope, and empowerment.

Our Story

AdventRelief is a medical humanitarian nonprofit that serves vulnerable communities in areas of conflict or natural disaster. Our organization was set up in 2015 in response to the continual flow of thousands of refugees arriving on the shores of the island of Lesvos in small rubber rafts.

Our Work



Field Hospitals


Patients Seen

On average, 20 people were driven from their homes every minute last year, or one every three seconds – less than the time it takes to read this sentence.

​“By any measure this is an unacceptable number. It speaks louder than ever to the need for solidarity and common purpose in preventing and resolving crises, and ensuring together that the world’s refugees, internally displaced and asylum-seekers are properly protected and cared for while solutions are pursued.”

– UN High Commissioner for Refugees Filippo Grandi


During our short journey, we have had the opportunity to respond to appeals for help in Greece, Iraq, Uganda, Moldova and Ukraine.

Ukraine ›

In eastern Ukraine, we have provided four mobile container clinics, are setting up a mobile emergency field hospital with surgical capabilities and are are commencing a mobile dental service.

Iraq ›

We partnered with ADRA Iraq to set up the first primary and emergency field hospital in the camps for displaced persons on the outskirts of Mosul. The war with ISIS is over, but the displaced communities’ needs are immense.

Moldova ›

AdventRelief has been operating mobile medical and dental clinics in Moldova, where many Ukrainian refugees have fled the conflict. The clinics serve both Ukrainian refugees and local residents.

Uganda ›

 With ADRA Uganda, we set up a field hospital in the Kyaka 2 Refugee Settlement to provide care to a massive community of refugees fleeing conflict areas in the eastern Democratic Republic of Congo.


As a volunteer-run organisation, AdventRelief depends on the generosity of private donors to maintain our operations in the communities we serve. If you would like donate to our work click on the link. Proceeds all go directly to the field. We thank you for your support!


Stay up-to-date with the latest news and updates from AdventRelief’s team on the ground in Iraq, Ukraine, and Moldova. Follow our stories to learn more about our humanitarian efforts in these areas of conflict or natural disaster and the impact we’re making in the communities we serve.

12 Oct,2024

Uganda Update – October 2024

We spent the last week back in the Kyaka 2 Refugee Settlement visiting our wonderful clinic team there. The clinic,...

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